
    Prosthetic & Orthotic Unit

    Department of Prosthetic and Orthotics works jointly with other rehabilitation professional to achieve the objective of the organization. Department undertake individual assessment  to have accuracy in formulating the prescription, designing, fabrication and fitting of artificial limbs/ supportive devices. Prostheses and orthoses are externally applied devices used to assist people with physical impairments or functional limitations, to improve their functioning and enhance the overall quality of life. A Prosthesis is an artificial limb that replaces the mising part of the body after amputation due to communicable and non communicable diseases.  An orthoses is an externally applied device used to support/prevent/correct the structural misalignment to increase the functional capacity of the individual engaging such as Poliomyelitis, Cerebral palsy, Congenital skeletal limb deficiencies, spinal cord injury etc.

    Initially the Prosthetist and Orthotist does the assessment, evaluation and formulate the relevant presciption. Based on the prescription the appropriate services will be provided.

    Besides the above services, the Department of Prosthetic and Orthotic provides out-reach services; creating awareness for prevention of disability, conducting camps for early identification of persons with disability who needs prosthetics and orthotic intervention and provide training for usage and maintenance of assistive. Also conducts short term training Programs for medical and paramedical students/ staff and special educators, parents/ caretakers of persons with disability & grass root workers.


    For further details please contact:

    Sh Jibanjeet Mohanty
    Department of Prosthetics and Orthotics
    Composite Regional Centre for Persons with Disabilities (CRC)
    Email: pando[dot]crcdvg[at]gmail[dot]com