
    Dept of Occupational Therapy

    The Occupational Therapy services at CRC Davangere are meant to provide services for any musculoskeletal, neurological, neurosurgical, paediatric, psychiatric & psychological (Mental Health), cardiopulmonary, medical & surgical conditions prevent, cure/ treat, and rehabilitate any physical, mental, cognitive and psychosocial illness, impairment or dysfunction of both traumatic & non-traumatic onset.

    To treat the dysfunction and restore & reinforce functional performance abilities & capabilities in performance areas of self-care, play/leisure and Work to enhance & Improve Quality of Life (QOL) and ensure the dignified & respectful life Persons for the Disability (PwD) as well as normal population via:

    1. Clinical & Therapeutic Service and Advise.
    2. Short term & long-term Training / educational programs & courses.
    3. Research & Development.
    4. Guidance & Counselling.
    5. Ergonomic advice for enhancing functional capability and promoting accessible & barrier Free Environment for PwD
    6. Dissemination of professional skill & knowledge
    7. Outreach programs & Camps


    Services Available / Offered

      1. Early Intervention therapy
      2. Specialized therapy services like NDT, Bobath Neuro facilitation of Developmental Reaction (NFDR) Therapy, Sensory integration & modulation therapy, sensory diet and other facilitation techniques & strategies
      3. ADL evaluation & skill Training
      4. Hand Rehabilitation
      5. Mobility transfer skill training
      6. Prescription & Designing of seating & positioning devices
      7. Prescription & Designing of Mobility aids & appliances
      8. Designing, Prescription & fabrication of adaptive & assistive technology aids & appliances such as splints & adaptive devices
      9. Training & education, of medical, rehabilitation and other associated experts, students & co-professionals
      10. Advises & services pertaining to creating ergonomically modified environment for PwD as well as normal population
      11. Short term & long-term courses and training & awareness program for professionals, and PwDs along with their caregiver & family members and other stake holders if any
        CBR & other outreach programs

    Super specialized areas of services but not restricted to include: Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Developmental Disability, Amputation, Hand Injury, Fractures, Cumulative Trauma Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability (Mental Retardation), Learning Disability, Parkinsonism, Multiple Sclerosis, Postural & Back Care, Balance Dysfunctions, Geriatric Care, Leprosy, Cancer, Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) & Lifestyle diseases like Hypertension, Obesity &  Diabetes And Others Medical & Surgical conditions of concern etc.


    For further details please contact:
    Sh. Thamarai Selvan,
    Lecturer (Physiotherapy) cum in-charge & Head
    Department of Occupational Therapy,
    Composite Regional Centre for Persons with Disabilities (CRC)
    Email: thaamu27[at]gmail[dot]com