
    Early Intervention Unit



    A Cross Disability Early Intervention Centre is designed to provide comprehensive services and support to young children with various types of disabilities. The goal of such centres is to offer early identification, assessment, and intervention to promote the development and well-being of children with disabilities and their families

    Research studies suggest that early childhood (0-6 years) is a time of remarkable brain development. It is the critical period that determines a person’s ability to reach their lifelong health, social and economic potential. Providing quality childhood intervention early in life helps to develop the skills needed to enable individuals to lead an independent and dignified life. Early Intervention can provide specialized support and services for infants and young children at risk or with disability and/or developmental delay and their families to help their development, well-being and participation in family and community life. The earlier the disability/ at risk/developmental delay children are provided timely rehabilitative care and intervention, the better is the scope of overall improvement in the person’s wellbeing.

    There is, thus, a need for continuing/upgrading the program for providing early identification and rehabilitative-intervention services to children with disabilities and children at risk cases covering the entire gamut of 21 disabilities under a single roof with a contiguous, accessible, aesthetically appealing, and child-friendly environment.


    CRC, Davangere established Cross Disability Early Intervention Centre (CDEIC) during January 2024 to meet the following objectives

    Title Details
    Screening and Identification
    • Facilities for early identification of at-risk children
    • Referring for appropriate interventional services
    Therapeutic Services
    • Communication and language development
    • Speech stimulation and therapy
    • Occupational therapy
    • Physiotherapy
    • Behaviour management
    • Cognitive development
    • Family, guardian and caregiver counselling & training
    • Peer counselling
    School Readiness
    • Communication, language & cognitive development
    • Foundational literacy
    • Motor and physical development
    • Personal, social and emotional development
    • Facility of preparatory school

    Key Components of a Cross Disability Early Intervention Centre

    1. Multidisciplinary Team:
      • Includes professionals such as Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Special Educators, Nurse and Trained Caregivers etc
      • Works collaboratively to assess and address the individual needs of each child.
    2. Early Identification and Assessment:
      • Conducts screenings and assessments to identify developmental delays or disabilities at the earliest possible stage.
      • Uses standardized tools and techniques to evaluate various aspects of a child’s development.
    3. Individualized Intervention Plans:
      • Develops tailored intervention plans based on the unique needs of each child.
      • Plans may include therapies, educational support, and family training.
    4. Therapeutic Services:
      • Provides a range of therapeutic services including speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and behavioural therapy.
      • Aims to enhance the child’s developmental skills and overall functioning.
    5. Educational Support:
      • Offers specialized educational programs to support cognitive and academic development.
      • Provides inclusive education strategies to integrate children into mainstream educational settings when possible.
    6. Family Support and Training:
      • Offers counselling and training for families to help them understand and support their child’s development.
      • Provides resources and information to empower families to advocate for their child’s needs.
    7. Community Outreach and Advocacy:
      • Engages in community outreach to raise awareness about disabilities and the importance of early intervention.
      • Advocates for the rights and inclusion of children with disabilities in society.
    8. Monitoring and Evaluation:
      • Regularly monitors and evaluates the progress of each child.
      • Adjusts intervention plans as needed to ensure the best outcomes.

    Benefits of Early Intervention

    • Enhanced Development: Early intervention can significantly improve a child’s developmental trajectory.
    • Family Empowerment: Families gain the knowledge and skills to support their child’s growth and development.
    • Social Inclusion: Early support can help children integrate better into society and reduce long-term dependency on specialized services.


    Early intervention is crucial as it can mitigate the impact of disabilities, improve developmental outcomes, and enhance the quality of life for children and their families. By addressing needs early, these centres play a vital role in fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for children with disabilities.

    For further details please contact:

    Sh. E. Thamarai Selvan,
    Lecturer (Physiotherapy)
    CDEIC Coordinator